2024 GLISA Small Grant: McDougall-Hunt Climate Resiliency Initiative (MHCRI)
Project Summary
The McDougall Hunt neighborhood in Detroit has suffered depopulation and disinvestment in recent decades. Now, the neighborhood includes many low-income residents and significant amounts of vacant land. Despite these challenges, residents are organized and interested in leveraging new opportunities to build a more resilient and inclusive neighborhood. Detroit Future City is partnering with Bailey Park Neighborhood Development Corporation to engage McDougall-Hunt residents around land use and climate adaptation planning. This work will include community engagement events and tours of local land use projects. The team will also research appropriate land use and climate adaptation strategies and create an updated, community-informed plan for activating vacant land. This work will lead to a more engaged community that feels ownership and empowerment in their capacity for climate mitigation and adaptation.
Anticipated Outcomes
- A refined neighborhood redevelopment framework map showcasing possible project sites
- Case statements for anticipated land-based climate mitigation and adaptation sites within the neighborhood
- Expanded community engagement with residents and other key stakeholders who will influence a plan to develop vacant land and improve quality of life
- Formal plans to acquire and activate land in identified areas (including maps, case statements, and community engagement outputs)
Anticipated Impacts
- The McDougall Hunt neighborhood will be more resilient and better adapted to climate change.
- Residents will have a deeper understanding of climate change and adaptation measures.
- Residents will be organized and empowered to take action toward neighborhood climate adaptation.
- Resident voices will be elevated in neighborhood climate adaptation planning and implementation.
- The McDougall Hunt neighborhood will effectively communicate climate plans to regulators.
- The McDougall Hunt neighborhood will gain support and mobilize resources for climate adaptation projects.
- The McDougall Hunt neighborhood will secure key land parcels for climate adaptation projects.
- Community organizations will use engagements to increase community voices throughout their work and grow their impact.
GLISA Contribution
GLISA funded this 2024 small grant project and will compile climate data and information relevant to Detroit. GLISA will participate through climate 101 presentations and will help craft climate factsheets and materials.
Project Contacts
- Detroit Future City: Sarah Hayosh, Director of Land Use & Design, info@detroitfuturecity.com
- GLISA: Omar Gates, Climatologist, gateso@umich.edu