Evaluation & Guidance for Existing Climate and Weather Tools

Evaluation & Guidance for Existing Climate and Weather Tools

Project Summary

We hosted a 2020 webinar on NOAA climate and weather tools for stormwater applications and developed guidance documents for each tool. The webinar was well attended (> 170) and a survey indicated many participants feel that there is an abundance of tools available, but that a key barrier is the time it takes to learn how to use them and assess their credibility. We developed a more in-depth set of guidance materials for a new tool of interest (Flood Factor) as proof of concept. We will expand on this approach for at least five more existing translational tools that are relevant to GL practitioners with guidance from our PWG, and develop accompanying guidance (i.e., tool overview, tutorial). Potential future tools to evaluate include NOAA’s Great Lakes Dashboard, Lake Level Viewer, and Climate Explorer.

  • GLISA created several tool guidance documents and tutorial videos, available here.


  • Research findings are forthcoming.

GLISA will lead the project.

Project Partners

GLISA Contact

Jenna Jorns, Program Manager, jljorns@umich.edu