
Scenario Planning

GLISA’s scenario planning approach describes plausible future events and has actors respond to them.

Education & Training

GLISA provides education and training on climate information, services, and tools of interest to practitioners in the Great Lakes region. 

FloodWise Communities

The Floodwise Communities Tool and Program helps communities complete a comprehensive stormwater vulnerability assessment.

Student Opportunities

GLISA is dedicated to mentoring students to provide real-world experience applying climate information to decision making in the Great Lakes region.

Great Lakes Adaptation Forum

The 3rd Great Lakes Adaptation Forum brought together practitioners and scholars from across the Great Lakes region of Canada and the United States for 3 days of sharing climate adaptation and resilience solutions and products in an engaged learning program.

Sustained Partnerships

GLISA sustains engagements with a number of partners in the Great Lakes through convening and participating in regional networks.