Our Work


For the past ten years, the GLISA has played an important role in the region by co-producing usable climate information with a diverse array of partners while also advancing fundamental physical and social science in support of climate adaptation action.

Focus Areas

GLISA works in a diversity of sectors, but especially in agriculture, cities, and Tribal communities to co-develop information, resources, and activities.


GLISA participates in a wide array of projects serving many sectors and scales across the Great Lakes region. Regardless of if we are the project lead, funder, or partner, our team of social and physical scientists work together to understand the stakeholders’ climate information needs and work collaboratively to address them. 


Since 2010, GLISA has partnered with more than 175 distinct entities and in and outside the Great Lakes region. Our partners span local, state, tribal, and federal governments, community groups, networks, non-profits, private sector businesses, and universities. 


Publications & Products

GLISA’s publications and products serve the Great Lakes region, a location or sector of interest, or a specific project. They include decision support tools, fact sheets, impact stories, infographics, journal articles, maps, plans, presentations, reports, scenarios, training, and websites.


Small Grants Program

Since 2011, GLISA has competitively awarded small grants to regional organizations committed to increasing the use of climate information in support of adaptation decision-making.