Great Lakes Adaptation Data Suite (GLADS)
The Great Lakes Adaptation Data Suite (GLADS) provides credible climate data from several public data sources to address the need for standardized historical and projected climate information for adaptation and resilience. The datasets within the GLADS are vetted by trusted regional experts, and this portal provides descriptions and access to the datasets for download. The data described below will be available for download at a later date through a user interface. It is available now by request (contact
Through a Data Management Mini-Grant from the Great Lakes Observing System (GLOS), GLISA has created the Great Lakes Adaptation Data Suite (GLADS), which is a compilation of over-land and over-lake observational information within the Great Lakes Basin. GLADS integrates point-based and gridded observational datasets available through the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI, formerly NCDC), the Great Lakes Observing System (GLOS), the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL), the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) into a single Great Lakes Adaptation Data Suite (GLADS). Each of these suites/frameworks of data has proven valuable to their own user networks. GLISA has standardized these regional data sets to the same time step, variables examined, data structure, and quality control processes to make the data more easily accessible and to increase the capacity of researchers to study lake, nearshore, and coastal interactions for climate adaptation efforts.
Point-Based Data Sets
Global Historical Climatology Network Daily (GHCN-D) Station Observations
Averaging Period(s): Daily, Monthly, Seasonal, Annual
Spatial Expanse: U.S. and Canadian Stations
National Data Buoy Centers Meteorological Buoy Observations
Averaging Period(s): Daily, Monthly, Seasonal, Annual
Spatial Expanse: Great Lakes Basin
United States Geological Survey (USGS) Stream Gauges
Averaging Period(s): Monthly, Seasonal, Annual
Spatial Expanse: Great Lakes Region
Spatially Aggregated Data Sets
National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) U.S. Climate Divisions
Averaging Period(s): Monthly, Seasonal, Annual
Spatial Expanse: US State Climate Divisions
GLERL Great Lakes Dashboard Lake Ice
Averaging Period(s): Monthly, Annual
Spatial Expanse: Great Lakes
GLERL Great Lakes Dashboard Lake Levels
Averaging Period(s): Monthly, Annual
Spatial Expanse: Great Lakes
GLERL Great Lakes Dashboard Lake Temperature
Averaging Period(s): Annual
Spatial Expanse: Great Lakes
Gridded Data Sets
Climate Forecast System Reanalysis Version 1 (CFSRv1)
Averaging Period(s): Daily, Monthly, Seasonal, Annual
Spatial Expanse: Great Lakes Basin
Climate Forecast System Reanalysis Version 2 (CFSv2)
Averaging Period(s): Daily, Monthly, Seasonal, Annual
Spatial Expanse: Great Lakes Basin
University of Delaware Air Temperature and Precipitation Model
Averaging Period(s): Monthly, Seasonal, Annual
Spatial Expanse: Great Lakes Basin