Contact: Dr. Jenna Jorns, Great Lakes Integrated Sciences and Assessments (GLISA)
On September 20th, GLISA Program Manager Jenna Jorns presented on the NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research Social Science Network webinar series, an initiative to enhance social science research capabilities and coordination across NOAA research units. Presenting on the theme of “Developing and Using Vulnerability Assessments,” Jorns highlighted GLISA’s Climate-Ready Infrastructure and Strategic Sites Protocol (CRISSP) project.
CRISSP is a simplified municipal adaptation tool to help small and mid-sized cities understand and prepare for infrastructure vulnerability due to climate change. A collaboration with the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative, AECOM, and Gary (IN), the protocol gives municipalities a tool to plan for climate extremes by accessing vetted climate information (such as projected increases in rainfall, storm severity, and the number of extreme heat days) and providing a step-by-step guide to assess vulnerabilities and identify adaptation actions.
After development and piloting of CRISPP in Gary, the Cities Initiative shared the protocol with 110+ municipalities through training workshops, webinars, and outreach. The CRISSP project continues to generate interest and attention, and was recently updated to provide a more user-friendly format.
Watch the webinar here.
Learn more about CRISSP here.