2012 GLISA Small Grant: Adapting to Climate Change and Variability: Planning Tools for Michigan Communities

2012 GLISA Small Grant: Adapting to Climate Change and Variability: Planning Tools for Michigan Communities

Funded by GLISA Internal (NOAA RISA)


Project leaders collaborated with two Michigan communities, Benton Harbor and Marquette, to determine vulnerabilities, strengths, and knowledge related to climate change. The project goal was to make these communities more resilient in the future by incorporating adaptation strategies into local land use master plans.


Adapting to Climate Change and Variability: Planning Tools for Michigan Communities

View the final report prepared for the Southwest Michigan Planning Commission (SWMPC)»
View the SWMPC TwinCATs project page»

View the final report prepared for the City of Marquette»
View the Marquette Climate Adaptation Planning project page»

In the video below, Claire Layman of Michigan State University Extension discussed this project during the 2013 GLISA Symposium.


Project Accomplishments

Marquette incorporated climate adaptation strategies into their master plan, which was in the process of being updated. The Twin Cities Area Transportation Study incorporated the findings of their collaboration with MSUE and GLISA into their transportation planning.


Claire Layman, Michigan State University Extension