2012 GLISA Small Grant: Climate and Extreme Weather Resilience for the Region of Peel, Ontario

The intent of this project was to provide case studies of vulnerability and risk analysis methods being used to inform actionable strategies for increasing climate resilience. These included priority impacts of climate change and extreme weather with respect to two different community assets within the Region of Peel: (1) Caledon’s agricultural sector, and (2) critical services and infrastructure in Port Credit. These projects focused on building local capacity for understanding and managing climate and extreme weather risks; experience that could be used for similar work in the future.

Climate and Extreme Weather Resilience for the Region of Peel, Ontario

Read the Project Report »

Visit the TRCA Climate Change webpage »

Visit the Ontario Climate Consortium webpage »

Emerging Weather and Climate Trends for Peel Region: Implications for Agriculture

Climate and Extreme Weather Resilience in Peel

Port Credit in a Changing Climate


Chandra Sharma, Stewart Dutfield and Harris Switzman, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA)