GLISA has collected and organized foundational resources for Great Lakes regional climate change problem solving. This is the collection of resources that has supported climate change decision making among the projects that GLISA has engaged. GLISA’s role in the projects has been that of climate information expert, analyst, and collaborator. Most of these resources have been developed at least in part by GLISA, but all are intended to serve a wide range of climate applications in the Great Lakes region.

Summary Climate Information
Get access to basic climate information for the Great Lakes region. Learn about how climate is changing and the impacts that are being observed in the region.

Great Lakes Climate Divisions
Find summaries of the observed historical climate for NOAA U.S. Climate Divisions within the Great Lakes basin. Each summary includes an overview of temperature and precipitation to help guide local-level climate adaptation decisions.

Great Lakes Station Climatologies
Find summaries of the observed historical climate for select sites across the Great Lakes region. Each summary includes an overview of temperature and precipitation to help guide local-level climate adaptation decisions.

National Climate Assessment: Midwest and Northeast Regional Reports
View the Third National Climate Assessment for the Midwest and Northeast regions and the Midwest Technical Input Report.

GLISA-supported Boundary Organization Project Reports
View reports produced by the projects that GLISA has supported to work on climate change adaptation in the Great Lakes region.

Great Lakes Regional Climate Change Maps
GLISA has created maps of projected regional changes in temperature and precipitation like those found in the Third National Climate Assessment.